6 ways to address burnout
6 ways to address burnout. If you are a manager, it is important now more than ever to discuss the signs of burnout and solutions with your employees so they can identify issues when they come up and find ways to help you support them. Here are six tips to help engage your employees in a conversation about burnout:
Taking steps to manage stress at work-tips for managers
Find out how to manage stress at work so you can protect your employees with our 8 top tips for improving mental health and wellbeing in the workplace.
5 Tips to help reduce employee stress
With depression and anxiety rising, now is a good time to offer some tips to help workers–and yourself–let go of tension and anxiety. Here’s our latest infographic on 5 tips to help reduce employee stress.
Have a rest: How many breaks a day works best for you?
Infographic: Have a rest: How many breaks a day works best for you? Creating a work/break balance is crucial to keeping yourself well rested and productive.
Are your employees showing signs of stress at work?
Stress can place immense demands on employees' physical and mental health and affect their behaviour, performance and relationships with their colleagues. Checkout our latest infographic for 9 behaviours managers can implement to prevent stress at work.
The importance of wellbeing at work
Infographic: The importance of wellbeing at work: 10 Behaviours employers can put into practice to help staff stay mentally healthy
How can I help you?: 10 Questions managers can ask to check in with their team’s mental health
Infographic | How Can I help you?-10 Questions managers can ask their teams to check in with their mental health
What is a wellness & health action plan?
Infographic | What is a wellness and health action plan? 10 Reasons why every employee should have a wellness and health action plan-helpful tips for managers.
Why is wellbeing important?
Infographic: Why is wellbeing important? Wellbeing is fundamental to our health and overall happiness and can help us overcome difficulties and achieve our goals in life. With this in mind, we look at 5 ways to create a culture of openness at work around mental health and wellbeing.
Keeping mentally healthy at work: The 10 behaviours employers can put into practise to help their staff
Infographic: Keeping mentally healthy at work: The 10 behaviours employers can put into practise to help their staff. These include ensuring staff are taking regular breaks, allowing staff to be involved in decisions and supporting and encouraging staff to take time off and look after their mental health.
Flexible remote work: Supporting your employees whilst remote working
Infographic: Flexible remote work: Supporting your employees whilst remote working. The pandemic has transformed the workplace and flexible remote work is now much more common. Check out our useful checklist for supporting remote working.
‘If you don’t make time for your wellness, you’ll be forced to make time for your illness’
Infographic: ‘If you don’t make time for your wellness, you’ll be forced to make time for your illness’ Read below about 10 ways to look after your mental health and wellness
The best I can do is 15 minutes! Short on time?Here are 8 quick routines to better self care
Infographic: The best I can do is 15 minutes! Short on time?Here are 8 quick routines to better self care. Sometimes, with everything that’s going on, I feel like the best i can do is 15 minutes for self care! These quick and simple routines allow me to do my best in the time I have available.
What can you do to improve your work life wellbeing?
The importance of making time for you - What can you do to improve your work life wellbeing. Want to know how to improve your work life wellbeing? Check out our infographic for ten ideas of things you can do to look after yourself in the workplace.
It is so important to look after number 1: 20 mental health tips to improve your wellbeing
Infographic: It is so important to look after number 1: 20 mental health tips to improve your wellbeing. It isn’t ‘egotistical’ or ‘selfish’ to look after number 1, it is essential for your health and wellbeing. Check out our self care checklist for mental health tips to help improve your wellbeing.
5 Tips to beat BURNOUT
Burnout is a psychological syndrome resulting from prolonged exposure to stressors at work. Here are 5 helpful tips to help your team achieve a good work/life balance, from monitoring workloads to being open about feelings.
5 ways you can look after your mental health while sitting at your desk
Infographic: Stuck at your desk? Here are 5 great tips showing you how you can look after your mental health while sitting at your desk
How to support an anxious employee
As an employer or manager it is crucial you know exactly how to support your people should they be suffering from an anxiety disorder. It is important to remember to be sympathetic and understanding as it goes a long way to helping them feel heard. Prevent employee burnout and support your team's mental health.
20 tips to help with your return after being signed off work with stress
Infographic: 20 tips to help with your return after being signed off work with stress. Have you been signed off work with stress or mental health issues? Here we detail 20 expert tips to help you get back to work after mental health problems as well as how to avoid them in the future.
How to promote digital wellness in the workplace
Digital wellness (also known as digital wellbeing or digital health) is the pursuit of an intentional and healthy relationship with technology, both in the workplace and in personal life. In today’s age of constant connectedness, digital wellness is more important than ever.